Sunday, March 14, 2010

INL 1.0.1

Heeeeeeyyy biiiiitcheeees! Welcome back to brokenspine! It’s been way too long since our last update. Let’s just say that the last 3 months we were real busy fighting off hordes of supermodels and money; y’know, being wannabe internet comedy writers and all. So after putting them bitches in their proper place, we got down and dirty and finally got around to posting some new content for our beloved readers. So here it is, the highly anticipated sequel to INL 1.0.0, the creatively titled INL 1.0.1!

So about this sequel: it’s different from the original one in that it’s a bit less retarded but the plot is more organized. The humour is also different. Anyhoo, you guys will notice them as you read.

The INL Archives

Episode 1.0.1

-Aaand we’re live once again with the Clan of Redundancy Clan!

We rejoin our heroes in their epic, chat-based adventure-

Jspwn: ahm, nao that tits teh end of teh end of epasoad 1.0.O, we can go too UC?

Bigmac: LOL! yuo saed tits!

Jspwn: wtf, is onli typo.

Ecksbocks: lol, joo thingck of tits all teh tiem, jyoo pervart!

Jspwn: omg, i saed is onli a typo!

Kamatisun: pfft, dun mind Alphabhitler and hees fello grammer nazi brothar. and yh, we go to UC nao.

Obaman: nooo, UC ees boring! theres no to do thar!

Jspwn: camaaaaan, i nids to go UC foar to..

Obaman: whut? foar too?

Jspwn: ahm..

Obaman: …

Jspwn: …

Lechonbaboy: omg yuo niga lesbo butt-lovar, yuuo dun no why joo want too go UC!?

Jspwn: well, it seem liek fun at phurst..

Sagingniahia: ffs, enuff of dis shit, yo. I say we goes to stromwind and pwn sum allys!

Obaman: yeaa!

Ecksbocks: fuk yeah!

Kamatisun: no.

Sagingniahia: wut. y?

Kamatisun: nah, jk. i like too sae no to ppls evan tho it is completly inapporiaaet respons coz i thinck its funny even tho its not actually funny.

Ecksbocks: lol, taht’s retarded.

Kamatisun: no.

Ecksbocks: stfu.

Kamatisun: no. lol

Ecksbocks: omg dun maek me ahve to use caps lo-

Kamatisun: noooooooooooooo-


Ecksbocks was kicked from the server by Ochatach. Reason: caps

Kamatisun: hahahahahha

Kamatisun was kicked from the server by Ochatach. Reason: schadenfreude

Jspwn: lolwut

[Blackbord] has come online

Blackbord: hay guise! guess waht!1

Obaman: wat

Blackbord: lol, oh mayn, joo poor niggars dun no what ur messing!

[Ecksbocks] has come online

[Kamatisun] has come online

Ecksbocks: wow, old ochy’s still going strong huh.

Kamatisun: yur.

Jspwn: lol, yuo gaise got pwnt.

Sagingniahia: omg, tell us bfore i slap teh black of ur faec.

Blackbord: listenn up fags– i just finished dlownloading teh ne- OW WTF, yuo slapped mee!!

Sagingniahia: soz, its a reflex thing. won’t happen again.

Blackbord: well it better not hapen again. anewaise, i just finished downlaoding teh new wow patch, and tehn i read teh patch notes and find taht- ARGH SAGIN YUO SON OF BITCH

Sagingiahia: wll it kill yuo to get a naem change to something wihtout “black” in itt? i can;t halp maiself.

Blackbord: well go fuk ursalf in littel ass. so i read in patch note and saw taht, omg, sylvannas has new model!!1

Obaman: srs?? pics nao omg.

Lechonbaboy: yeyeye picsssssssss

Blackbord: k gimme a sec..

hey baby, where have you been all my un-life?

hey baby, where have you been all my un-life?"

Blackbord: thar. hawt, no?

Obaman: OMG

Jspwn: OMG

Bigmac: OMG

*Everyone except Blackbord goes offline and installs the new patch. the perverts. Then, afterwards, everybody goes back online.

Obaman: gaise we nids to get too uc nao!

Ecksbocks: yea, TO THE UDNERCITY!1

Blackbord: guise, waet! there’s somethin els-

Lechonbaboy: k portel to UC is ready nao.

Blackbord: nooooo fffuuuuuu-

*Everyone ports to UC!

Blackbord: -ccccckkkkkk!

Blackbord: omg yuo cunts, we need to gtfo f hurr!

Obaman: lol black, dun be a pussy. now tiem to get me some hawt banshee tail OMG WTF IS TAHT1!1

Abomination: HAI

Ecksbocks: lul, dun wory, is jsut a udnercity guaridan. they only attack allies. knob.


Ecksbocks: wait, taht dun sound rite.

Bigmac: oh no u dont! i can tanck! caman gaise we can do thi- ffs dun ran!!

Kamatisun: soz sagin, bat i r ret pally for a reson, and it’s foar to ran fast. cya lolo- OMG ANOTHAR 1!!


Jspwn: aaaaaaaaaaaaa

*Abominations keel everybody. After ressing at the nearest spirit healer:

Ecksbocks: wtf just happened?

Blackbord: it’s waht i’ve been trying to tell yuo walking brain-leaks about befoar lechon lesbian niggar hur ported us too UC.

Lechonbaboy: hey who u callin lesbian nig- oh god, *pukes*

Sagingniahia: what the- aw man, just wehn i decided to hav mai shield polished!

Lechonbaboy: soz. ress sickness. i feeling bettar nao.

Blackbord: ew. anywaise, theres sum srs shiet goin down in teh udnercity. is liek, sum undead guy wiff powar issues stole udenercity from horde, so nao horde and allies r gon pwn heem to get back teh undericty.

Kamatisun: ohh, NAO u tell us. fag

Blackbord: wtf, i jsut saed i try to tell yuo gais- u know what, nvm.

Obaman: taht’s kewl and all, but WHERE TEH HELLS IS SYLVANAS

Bigmac: hao should i kno? let’s go ask sum locals.

Obaman: k – oh i c sum1! hay yuo! come ovar hur!

Razorface: gr33tings frands, of waht assistans may i be of u todae?

Ecksbocks: helo, we just wanted to kno where teh lady sylvanas is residing as of teh momant.

Razorface: oh! yuo ppls r gon join teh fight foar teh undercity?

Bigmac: ahm, no not exactly..

Razorface: oh. so if ur not joining teh war, tehn i guess u just want to ogle lady sylvanas’ new physique?

Lechonbaboy: no, we just wan to see her tits, is all.

Razorface: i see.. unfortunetely, teh lady sylvanas is in teh front liens of teh wor. to get to her, yuo mast join teh battle and fiet ur way in.

Obaman: k wahr do we sign up?

Blackbord: wut- srsly? ur gonna risk ur lief just to c sylvanas’s tits? rly??

Obaman: yh. why not? lol

Blackbord: I – fien, imma sign up too, but is foar to liberate uc, not to check sylvanas out k.

Lechonbaboy: suit ursalf. qu33r.

Razorface: ok tehn. imma go call teh war recruiter. *leaves*

Jspwn: awsum. i can;t wait lol

*A bit later,

Gangstahomie: heeeeeyyyy, wazzhappenin!?

Kamatisun: wut, who r u?

Gangstahomie: ahm the war recruiter mah niggas! redy to get down nd dirty in the uc?

Sagingniahia: u bet!!

Gangstahomie: awright tehn, just sign ur naems on this hur piece o papah. adn tehn we’ll- hold on niggas, we got awselves a predicamentt!

Ecksbocks: waht’s teh problem??

Gangstahomie: yuo niggas need a 15 man raid grouop! theres onli 8 of yuo! ohh snap!

Blackbord: aw taht’s too bad. guess we’ll haff to go see sylvanas sum othar tiem, rite guise?

Obaman: awwwww mayn..

Kamatisun: no.

Ecksbocks: adn there he goas again wiff teh no’s. STFU KAMA.

Kamatisun: no, tihs tiem is srsly no. we can haz teh 15 man rgroup!

Blackbord: aw hell no, no wai i r pugging this.

Kamatisun: no lol, not pug. i shall summon teh.. LEGION KAMATIS!!

Obaman: omg yaaaaaaaay!

Jspwn: go summon naooooo

Kamatisun: k. gief me till teh next epasoad to summon mai legions.

Jspwn: k.. end of epasoad 2! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOoooOooOOoo

-End of Episode 2-

Teh Cast (in order of appearance [real names in WoW ])

Jayson as Jspwn

Little boy as Sagingniahia

Loybin as Lechonbaboy/ Obaman

Cyrill as Ecksbocks/ Blackbord

Carlo as Kamatisun / Legion Kamatis

Joshua as Razorface/ Gangstahomie

For INL ver 1.0.0 please visit.


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